Page 47 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
P. 47

a        Costs associated with the

                           intervention (drugs, vaccine, health

                           technology)/Program costs:

                  a.1      Start-up costs/scale up costs (Yes=1,  Any capital investment: building,
                           No=2, NA=3)                             space, equipment, health worker


                  a.2      Implementation/operational costs        Service delivery, monitoring and

                           (Yes=1, No=2, NA=3)                     supervision, administration, support,

                                                                   IEC/BCC materials, personnel
                  b        Treatment costs (Yes=1, No=2,           Cost of treatment at various levels of

                           NA=3)                                   service delivery:


                                                                   drugs/diagnostic, hospitalisation,

                                                                   management of complication
          Patient costs

                  a        Direct costs (Yes=1, No=2, NA=3)        Medical (drugs, diagnostics,

                                                                   procedural, hospital charges) and Non-

                                                                   medical (transportation, boarding &


                  b        Indirect costs (Yes=1, No=2, NA=3)  Loss of wages, employment and less
                                                                   productivity due to morbidity

                  1.5.5    Health benefits

          Source: effectiveness estimates for     Specify the sources for effectiveness

                           intervention (Primary=1,                estimates. Whether primary data was

                           Secondary=2, Both=3)                    collected or estimated from literature
                                                                   were considered.

          Immediate/short term outcomes

                           reported (Yes=1, No=2, NA=3)

          Long term outcomes reported

                           (Yes=1, No=2, NA=3)

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