Page 42 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
P. 42

Author section

                        The author section is a self-reporting format comprising of 8 domains.

                        The first domain, i.e, basic information, includes information regarding title of
                 the study, year of the study and ethical approvals sought for the study. The title should

                 reflect the study design, study setting, intervention, comparator and disease/program

                 of concern. The second and third domains talk about the need for the study being

                 conducted as well as its implications for policy making.

                        The next domain asks for a complete description of the analysis in terms of
                 objectives, intervention, control, target population, study perspective, discount rate

                 and time horizon. The fifth domain correspond to the study methods. This section asks

                 about information pertaining to the choice of model, time horizon and perspective

                 along with justification for the choice. Information pertaining to inclusion of various

                 types of costs and estimation of health-related outcomes is included. This domain also
                 seeks  information  pertaining  to  the  analyses  conducted  in  the  study  such  as

                 uncertainty  analyses,  Equity  analysis,  budget  impact  analysis  and  stakeholder


                        The next domain talks about assumptions made pertaining to various model
                 parameter.  The  seventh  domain  pertains  to  reporting  of  the  results  of  all  types  of

                 analysis performed. The last section talks about validation of the results, statement of

                 limitations and strengths followed by key conclusion and recommendations.

                        All the responses will be in the form of Yes, No, Not Applicable (NA), Not

                 Reported  (NR),  page  numbers,  line  numbers,  figure/table  numbers  wherever


                 Reviewer section: Report/manuscript review

                        The domains under this section are more or less similar to the above section.

                 The difference is that this section talks about the appropriateness of choices made for

                 the  analysis  conducted.  The  first  domain  is  regarding  appropriateness  of  basic
                 information pertaining to the analysis. It includes questions such as whether the title

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