Page 51 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
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abstract/summary given          (static progression: cohort/population or

                            in the report (Rate on a        dynamic transition), study results (ICERs with

                            scale of 1 to 10)               uncertainty ranges), study conclusion

                  2.1.3     Are the objective of the        Complete justification of what is expected out of
                            study stated clearly? (Rate     the study and its relation to existing evidence.

                            on a scale of 1 to 10)

                  *2.1.4    Have the authors sought         Ethical approval sought from the concerned

                            necessary ethical approval      body. In case of patient involvement, informed

                            for the study? (Yes=1,          consent
                            No=2, NA=3)

                  2.1.5     Description of                  Detailed description of intervention and

                            intervention, comparator,       comparator, appropriateness of justification for

                            study population and            the choice of intervention and comparator.

                            appropriateness. (Rate on       Description of characteristics of the study
                            a scale of 1 to 10)             population and justification of why this

                                                            population is relevant for the study. Any

                                                            subgroups chosen ? justification for its choice.

                                                            Comment on whether any relevant subgroup if

                                                            it was not considered.

                  2.2       Study methods

                  2.2.1     Model structure &


           Appropriateness of choice
                            of model

                  a         In case of decision model,      Comment on whether the choice of model for

                            does this model                 the analysis was considered appropriate.

                            incorporate all possible

                            ramifications. (Rate on a
                            scale of 1 to 10)

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