Page 52 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
P. 52

b         In case of markov model,

                            comment on the biological

                            plausibility of the model.

                            (Rate on a scale of 1 to 10)
           Were the assumptions            Comment on whether all underlying

                            underlying the model            assumptions were clearly mentioned in the

                            described clearly? (Rate on     report/manuscript.

                            a scale of 1 to 10)

                  2.2.2     Costs

           Are all the costs included      Check whether all costs considered were in

                            in line with the study          concurrence with the perspective of the study.

                            perspective? (Yes=1,


           Have all the associated
                            costs been captured

                            comprehensively? (Rate on

                            a scale of 1 to 10)

           If primary data has been        If primary data was collected, whether top

                            collected pertaining to         down, bottom up or normative costing approach
                            costs, comment on the           was considered.

                            appropriateness of the

                            methodology. (Rate on a

                            scale of 1 to 10)

           If secondary sources have

                            been used, are they
                            justified? (Rate on a scale

                            of 1 to 10)

           Are the conversion rates

                            used for costs appropriate?

                            (Yes=1, No=2, NR=3)

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