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is appropriate or not; whether the abstract is complete or not; are the objectives stated

                 clearly; are the intervention, comparator and target population described completely?

                        The next domain pertains to appropriateness of study methods. Following type
                 questions are addressed in this domain: whether the choice of model is appropriate or

                 not;  what  all  costs  have  been  included  and  their  sources;  appropriateness  of  these

                 sources; sources of effectiveness estimates and its appropriateness; sources of quality

                 of life estimates and appropriateness. The analysis part under this domain talks about

                 the appropriate conduct of various types of analyses as listed in the author section as
                 well.  It  also  includes  questions  pertaining  to  the  choice  of  discount  rate  and  its

                 appropriateness as well as animalization of costs.

                        The next domain refers to appropriateness of reporting results of all the analyses

                 done in the study. For examples, the results of OWSA should be presented in the form

                 of tornado, CEAC and CE plane are constructed for PSA. This section focuses on the
                 quality of reporting the finding of the study so as to ease the interpretation of findings.

                 The next domain focuses on the discussion  and conclusion part. It includes points

                 regarding, justification and validation of findings, generalizability, limitations of the

                 analysis, implications from the policy perspective and recommendations.

                        The last and the fifth domain (References) seeks information about accounting
                 for all the secondary sources of information mentioned in the text.

                        All the responses will be in the form of Yes, No, Not Applicable (NA), Not

                 Reported (NR) as well as rating on a scale of 1 to 10. They type of response expected

                 has been mentioned along with each question.

                 Reviewer section: Model review

                 This section consists of 8 domains which guide the reviewer to assess the model. The

                 first  domain  refers  to  basic  information  which  comprises  of  necessary  information

                 required to assist review of the model. It consists of key points like the type of platform

                 used for building the model; availability of a model dictionary containing brief analysis
                 description,  index  for  different  sheets,  abbreviations,  labels  for  different  variables,

                 tables  and  figures  and  references;  proper  labelling  of  sheets,  tables  and  figures;

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