Page 46 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
P. 46

a        Intervention

                  b        Comparator

                  c        Target population
                  d        Time horizon

                  e        Discount rate

                  f        Study perspective

                  1.5      Study methods

                  1.5.1    Choice of model

           Decision tree=1, Markov model=2,       Pleasy specify the choice of model,
                           Both=3                                  whether a decision tree or a markov

                                                                   model or both were used for the study.

                  1.5.2    Study perspective

          Choice of study perspective             Please specify the perspective from

                           (societal/provider/patient) and its     which the study was undertaken.
                           justification                           Whether only provider perspective or

                                                                   only patient's perspective or both were


                  1.5.3    Time horizon

          Choice of time horizon and its          Please specify the choice of time
                           justification                           horizon considered to capture all the

                                                                   benefits and costs.

                  1.5.4    Costs included

          Health system costs (Yes=1, No=2,

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