Page 50 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
P. 50  PSA: Uncertainty limits (Yes=1,

                           No=2, NA=3)

          PSA: CEAC (Yes=1, No=2, NA=3)

          PSA: CE Plane (Yes=1, No=2,

                  1.7.5    Equity analysis: ICER, Financial

                           Risk Protection (Yes=1, No=2,


                  1.7.6    Budget impact analysis (Yes=1,
                           No=2, NA=3)

                  1.7.7    Stakeholder analysis (Yes=1, No=2,


                  1.8      Discussion & Conclusion

                  1.8.1    Result validation                       Comparison  of  findings  with  existing

                                                                   evidence  and  explain  the  possible
                                                                   reasons for difference in findings

                  1.8.2    Strength and limitations

                  1.8.3    Key conclusion and recommendations

                                   Section II: Report/Manuscript Review by Reviewer

                  S.No.     Section heads                   Description

                  2.1       Basic information

                  2.1.1     Appropriateness of the          Does the title appropriately justifies the

                            title (Rate on a scale of 1 to   objectives of the study? Specifies the study

                            10)                             design, study setting/geography,
                                                            intervention/control, disease/program of


                  2.1.2     Comment on the                  Rationale, study perspective, time horizon,

                            completeness of the             intervention and comparator, choice of model

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