Page 45 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
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6.3. The Checklist

                 All these sections have been explained more comprehensively in the tables below.

                                           Section I: Self Reporting by Author

                  S.No.  Section heads                           Description

                  1.1      Basic information

                  1.1.1    Title                                 Specifies the study design, study

                                                                 setting/geography, intervention/control,

                                                                 disease/program of concern
                  1.1.2    Study year                            Please specify the year in which study

                                                                 was undertaken.

                  1.1.3    Ethical approvals (Yes=1, No=2,       Please mention whether necessary ethical

                           NA=3)                                 approval was sought.

                  1.2      Need for the study

                  1.2.1    What is the current available         Summarize the existing knowledge

                           evidence in this domain?              regarding the topic under study and

                                                                 justify the need of the present study.

                  1.2.2    How will the present study
                           additionally contribute towards

                           evidence generation?

                  1.3      Policy relevance (3 bullet points)

                  1.3.1    Policy implications and novelty       Describe the relevance and implications

                                                                 of the study from policy perspective

                  1.4      Study description

                  1.4.1    Specify the study objectives

                  1.4.2    Specify:                                For any section which has not been

                                                                   considered for the analysis, please

                                                                   mention "Not applicable"

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