Page 41 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
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                                     Author                            Reviewer

                                     Section                             section

                                   Reporting              Paper/Report               Model

                                    Practices                Review                  Review

                                          Figure 7: Framework of the checklist.

                        The  author  section  of  the  checklist  aims  at  obtaining  a  comprehensive

                 description of the study from the author. This will not only ensure efficient reporting
                 practices  but  will  also  form  a  guiding  document  for  the  reviewer  to  analyze  the

                 appropriateness of key aspects of an HTA study. Broad heads included in this checklist

                 are:  Basic  information,  rationale  of  the  study,  policy  relevance,  study  description,

                 study  methods,  reporting  of  model  parameters,  study  results,  discussion  and


                        The  reviewer  section  of  the  checklist  focuses  on  the  quality  aspect  of  the
                 conducted study. The first part of this section, which is the report review, focuses on

                 reviewing the information given in the report or manuscript. The domains included in

                 this part are in concurrence with the author section: Basic information, study methods,

                 study results, discussion, conclusion and references.

                        The second part constitutes the technical aspect of reviewing the model. This

                 includes:  basic  information,  model  assumptions,  functionality,  model  inputs,

                 calculations,  uncertainty  analysis,  model  output  and  model  validation.  The  model

                 check and review will further improve the quality of the study in terms of technical


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