Page 28 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
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5)  Appraisal and Approval of Evidences

                 Objective: To make sure that the overall study is technically rigorous and followed

                 the prescribed methods in the Methods Manual and to review the technical evidence
                 along with equity considerations, if any, to arrive at policy-relevant recommendations.

                   The  TAC  reviews  the  policy  question,  research  question,  aims  and  objectives,

                     methodologies,  evidences,  data,  model,  outcomes  etc.  of  HTA  studies  mainly

                     outcome reports submitted by the TP/ RRC prior to TAC meeting.

                   If there are any major/ minor comments, clarifications or suggestions the TP/ RRC

                     addresses  them  and  if  required  the  proposal/  outcome  may  be  revised

                   Potential  inequities  associated  with  the  HTA  study  related  to  the  feasibility  of

                     implementation, accessibility or acceptability should be highlighted and addressed

                     appropriately in order to reduce the inequities among underprivileged population.

                   After  approval  from  the  TAC  and  feedbacks  from  the  stakeholders  the  TP/

                     RRC/Secretariat prepares an evidence summary and policy brief of the outcomes
                     report and submit it along with the detailed report and supplementary materials

                     (if any), to the Board, in the HTAIn Board Meeting, for final approval.

                   The  Board  may  comment,  seek  clarification  or  modify  the  recommendations

                     according to the feasibility of implementation. The TP/RRC or the TAC has to

                     address the comments and suggestions made by the Board.

                   Policy brief should be prepared for every topic outcome(s) following a standard

                     format  that  will  include  the  important  feature  of  the  study  i.e.  summary,

                     significance, key findings, policy recommendations, limitations and uncertainties

                     etc. These briefings should be decision-makers oriented including relevant results

                     and recommendations addressing the policy question(s).

                   A brief section at the end of the dissemination document should mention the list
                     of funding agencies.

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