Page 31 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
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3.1.   Stakeholders Engagement

                        Globally,  a  range  of  measures  are  used  to  constructively  engage  multiple

                 stakeholders  throughout  the  HTA  process.  Stakeholder  engagement  is  an  iterative
                 process  of  actively  soliciting  the  knowledge,  experience,  value  judgment  of

                 stakeholders identified to represent a broad range of direct interests in a particular


                        The  purpose  of  stakeholder  engagement  would  be  to  identify  relevant

                 stakeholders and involve them in the ongoing study to obtain their views, ideas, data

                 available with them or feedback on the data/information used in the study as well as

                 any findings from the study.

                 Types of Engagement
                 Engagement with stakeholders could be at three levels:

                   i.  Information Gathering – This involves participation of stakeholders in order to

                      collect information regarding data available to them.

                  ii.  Consultation  –  This  involves  the  feedback  from  stakeholders  on  specific

                      documents or findings and address them appropriately.
                 iii.  Participation – This involves stakeholder’s participation in certain study topics

                      actively to ensure their concerns are understood and considered, and to give them

                      some influence on and ownership of decisions such as to the User Department or

                      other Government Agencies.

                        Depending on the nature of interest, expertise and relevance to the HTA study,

                 different strategies of stakeholder engagement are employed. For example:

                    User department participate throughout the study especially during framing the

                      research  question,  aims  and  objectives.  User  Department  along  with  other

                      Government organizations are asked to participate for sharing the data available

                      to them.
                    Researchers and clinicians participate often during the course of study, for their

                      expert opinions and guidance.

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