Page 33 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
P. 33

  The  Stakeholder’s  meetings  are  chaired  by  a  senior  official  of  the  Ministry  of

                      Health  and  Family  Welfare  or  a  renowned  expert  identified  by  the  HTAIn


                    Stakeholders are asked to join hands to with HTAIn while conducting the study

                      and fill the data gap and provide assistance, if needed.

                    After  the  study  is  completed,  the  report  of  findings  as  well  as  key  policy
                      recommendations  are  also  uploaded  online  and  Stakeholders  will  be  asked  to

                      furnish their feedback/ views within 15 days from the date of report uploading.

                      Feedback  may  be  submitted  on  the  web  portal  or  sent  via  email  to  htain-


                    Each attendee of the meeting must disclose their interest by signing a declaration

                      of interest form provided by the HTAIn Secretariat.

                    If required, a brief presentation may be shared with them about HTAIn, its structure,
                      processes and importance of the stakeholders for sensitization.

                    In conjunction to the consultative meetings, a participatory approach may be used

                      with  a  subset  of  stakeholders  like  representatives  of  user  departments,  other

                      Government agencies, relevant policymakers, clinicians or public health experts
                      in the HTA topic in a closed-room meeting to get their feedback, suggestions and


                  Note:  Record  of  discussion  for  every  meeting  (TAC,  Stakeholder’s  and  Board)  are
                  maintained and published online after approval from the chair.

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