Page 24 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
P. 24

  If the TAC provide any comment(s)/ suggestion(s) on the proposal, then it is sent

                      back to HTAIn Sec. with comments and the TP/ RRC is asked to address those

                      comments/  modification  and  present  the  proposal  again  in  TAC  till  it  gets


                 Note: Depending on the skills, expertise, and time constraints of each organization,

                 multiple Technical Partners/ Resource Centres may be required to collaborate on a

                 given HTA analysis. For example, a TP/ RRC with expertise in systematic review may

                 undertake this component of the analyses to determine clinical effectiveness, while
                 another technical partner with expertise in economic evaluation will undertake this

                 part of the analysis and so on.

                 3)  Proposal Development:

                 Objectives: To draft the HTA proposal by the technical partner/ resource centre on

                 the  given  topic  and  ensuring  the  TAC  and  stakeholders  views  are  taken  into


                   Once topics are allocated to the TP they are asked to draft a HTA proposal and

                    submit to the Sec.

                   Secretariat  will  evaluate  the  proposal  whether  it  is  in  the  prescribed  format

                    (discussed below)

                   Proposal should be structured in the prescribed format that contains:

                    a)  Key Policy Question(s) that need(s) to be addressed by the User Department.
                    b)  Research Question(s), Aims and Objectives based upon the Policy Questions)

                    c)  Scope  of  the  study  clearly  outlining  the  PICO  i.e.  Population,  Intervention,

                        Comparator(s) and Outcome.

                    d)  Methodological Detail according to the Methods Manual/ Reference Case for

                        economic evaluation.
                    e)  The proposal for HTA may also consider transferability of data from sources

                        outside India wherever it is appropriate (e.g. if data is not available in the Indian

                        context and it is available for a country with similar socio-demography).

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