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that  with  the  best  possible  way  so  that  the  inequity  with  respect  to  the

                      underprivileged population should be minimized.

                    All inputs into the model should be conducted according to the methods and

                      principles  outlined  in  the  Methods  Manual/  Reference  Case  for  economic

                    Secretariat will monitor the progress of HTA for quality and timeline assurance

                      and to see if the HTA analysis is being done in a correct way according to the

                      methods manual/ reference case and assist the TP(s)/ RRC(s) if required.

                    Once the analysis is complete, outcome is submitted to the HTAIn secretariat with
                      all related data for internal review and quality control.

                    The secretariat will review the analysis and forward it to the TAC for appraisal at

                      least a week before the TAC meeting.

                    The TP/ RRC will present the outcome in front of the TAC in the TAC Meeting

                      and address all queries raised by TAC. TP/ RRC needs to reconsider the outcomes
                      if any major flaw is found by the TAC.

                    Once approved by the TAC the results will be presented in front of the Board.

                    Feedbacks and comments from stakeholders will also be taken into consideration.

                 Note: Evidence synthesis and formal assessment should be carried out in accordance

                 with  the  HTA  methods  manual  using  the  Indian  reference  case  for  economic


                 Timeline  for  Research  and  Analysis:  Pre-agreed  timelines  for  delivery  of  project

                 milestones should be followed by the TP/ Resource Centres. The timeline for research

                 and analysis could be 6-12 months depending upon the availability of relevant data.
                 Longer timeline should be justified properly before the TAC for approval. Secretariat

                 should  monitor  the  studies  to  ensure  that  all  analyses  are  conducted  in  a  timely

                 manner according to methods manual and process guidelines.

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