Page 32 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
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  Industries/  private  organizations  and  NGOs  may  be  consulted  twice  -  one  to

                      discuss about the proposal and second when the outcome report is approved by

                      the TAC or as required.

                    NGOs can also be consulted periodically by HTAIn to discuss the social/ ethical
                      aspects of the intervention and feasibility of implementation and/ or participate

                      during the of implementation of the policy

                 3.2. Process of Stakeholders Engagement
                 1)  Identification of stakeholders

                        The most important step in stakeholder engagement involves the identification

                 of relevant stakeholders. Reasonable steps should be taken to identify topic-specific

                 organizations  with  appropriate  geographical  coverage  (e.g.  state/  national
                 organizations).  Stakeholders could be an individual or a small group representing an

                 organization having a mandate to speak on behalf of that organization such as CEO,

                 President, Chairperson or Head of the Organization or someone nominated by an


                 2)  Stakeholder’s Registration
                        All the interested parties are encouraged to register themselves online on the

                 HTAIn  website  (in  the  HTAIn  section)  or,  they  may  send  a  formal  request  to  the

                 secretariat for registration. This registry of stakeholders developed by HTAIn through

                 online registration maybe used for identification of relevant stakeholders for specific


                 Activities during Stakeholder Engagement

                    The HTAIn Sec. informs the relevant stakeholders about the topic(s) selected for

                      study and organize a consultation meeting at HTAIn Sec. in close coordination

                      with the Technical partner/ Resource Centre.

                    TP/RRC present their proposal (approved by the TAC) to the stakeholders for

                      their feedback/ views and the same stakeholders are again consulted for a second
                      meeting, once the outcomes report of the study is approved by the TAC, to discuss

                      the results and policy recommendations.

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