Page 25 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
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f)  Introduction and Literature Review:

                         Availability of data to inform all components of analysis i.e. epidemiological

                         population information, service  use,  cost, clinical efficacy and safety of the
                         intervention(s) and comparator(s).

                         Availability of existing health economic models that could be adapted for the

                         Indian health system.

                         Availability  of  similar  studies  in  other  settings  or  to  identify  any  concerns
                         about  the  introduction  or  use  of  particular  health  interventions  or


                     g)  Conflict of interest among the authors/ contributors, if any.

                     h)  Details of manpower and funds required and the funding agency.

                     i)  Timeline of the study.
                     j)  References

                   Once  the  draft  proposal  has  been  developed,  the  TP/RRC  submits  it  to  the

                     Secretariat that reviews the proposal and forward it to the TAC for appraisal.

                   The draft proposal is presented by the TP/RRC in front of the TAC in the first TAC

                   If any comment/ query/ correction or modification is suggested by the TAC then
                     TP/RRC needs to defend those comments and revise the proposal if needed and

                     present it again in the next TAC meeting. The cycle continues till the proposal is

                     approved by the TAC.

                   Once approved by the TAC proposal is presented before the stakeholders for their

                     comments and feedback in the Stakeholder Consultation Meeting.

                   After incorporating the feedback and comments of TAC and stakeholders the final

                     version of the proposal is submitted to the Secretariat and the TP/RRC is instructed

                     to conduct the HTA study.

                 Timeline for Proposal Development: The timeline for the proposal development may
                 be one month from the date of allocation of the topic.

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