Page 37 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
P. 37

Seriousness  of  conflict  is  a  question  of  degree.  It  involves  a  spectrum  of

                 directness and significance of the conflict. Several factors may need to be weighed in

                 assessing the seriousness like:

                     i.  The type of conflict (financial/ non-financial)

                     ii.  The extent to which the conflict of interest could affect the proceedings.
                    iii.  Whether the conflict will realistically impair the disclosing person’s capacity to

                        impartially participate in decision-making etc.

                 Conflict among Board/ Committee Members

                        If  a  conflict  of  interest  is  identified  among  TP/RRC,  TAC  or  Board,  the

                 Secretariat will share it with the chair of the respective committee, withholding the

                 name  of  the  member  having  a  potential  conflict.  The  Chair  will  then  call  for

                 Board/TAC members to discuss and decide upon whether the member with COI:

                        May continue to participate fully in the meeting
                        May participate in the discussion but not in the final decision making.

                        May be transferred to another position.

                        Be requested to not participate in the meeting at all.

                      The approval of any of the above action may require the agreement of at least a

                 majority in the Board/ TAC who are present at the meeting (excluding any conflicted


                 Conflict among Board/ Committee Members

                        If  any  potential  conflict  is  identified  among  the  Resource  Hubs/  Technical
                 Partners the TAC will take a decision, on case to case basis, respectively as to how to

                 handle the conflict such as re-assigning tasks or duties to another hub or technical

                 partner or any other potential mitigating option, such as withholding the person with

                 COI from getting involved in the study.

                   While, deciding which approach to take during the mitigation of conflict, the Chair

                     and/ or members of the committee(s) will consider whether the conflict needs to

                     be managed or simply documented depending upon its seriousness. The

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