Page 36 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
P. 36

  Regional Resource Hubs, TP, TAC, Special Invitees, Experts and Board members

                     should  fill  the  Declaration  of  Interest  form  provided  by  the  Secretariat  before

                     conducting the study and comply with their mandate Terms of Reference.

                   Stakeholders should also fill the Declaration of Interest form in the first stakeholder
                     consultation meeting.

                   The secretariat will make sure that all the members have filled the the declaration

                     of interest form while collecting and documenting it.

                   If any member does not declare their interest and it is revealed at any later stage,

                     then their involvement in the HTAIn proceedings could be terminated and they
                     might be subjected to legal liability.

                   Secretariat will monitor the compliance of the members with this policy and might

                     review this policy annually to ensure that the policy is operating effectively.

                 4.5. Managing the Conflict

                      As  mentioned  above,  COI  may  not  always,  in  and  of  itself,  be  evidence  of
                 wrongdoing. However, it is important to manage all COI, in order to ensure that the

                 recommendations of the HTAIn are perceived to be free from external influences and

                 to uphold the principles of transparency and accountability. While managing the COI

                 the following need to be assessed carefully:

                      i.  The seriousness of the conflict

                     ii.  The range of all possible mitigation options.

                                 Figure 6: HTAIn Conflict of interest Process Overview

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