Page 35 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
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member or his/ her relative has received or plans to receive in future a financial

                        benefit from a firm or a representative body related to the intervention under

                        assessment  during the last 2-3 years  or any  other product of service  that  is

                        specific to an agenda item under consideration for HTA by HTAIn or associated
                        committees, it will fall into financial personal COI.

                       Financial  non-personal:  If  a  member  of  belongs  to  an  institution,  firm,

                        association or company that gains or perceived to gain a direct financial benefit

                        e.g. sponsorship, product manufacturing contracts, monetary funds to conduct
                        research or production then the representative member of that institute falls

                        into financial non-personal interest.

                 4.2. Objective

                     The  objective  of  declaration  of  interest  is  to  effectively  identify,  disclose  and

                 manage  any  interest,  be  it  actual,  potential  or  perceived,  in  order  to  protect  the

                 integrity of HTAIn and credibility of the recommendations made ensuring that, in
                 principle, recommendations made by the HTAIn are free from any bias and external


                 4.3. Scope of Declaration of Interest

                      The declaration of interest is applicable to all the HTAIn Members especially those

                 who  are  directly  involved  in  conducting  the  study  or  appraising  the  study  or
                 providing  comments/  suggestions  or  approving  the  study  at  any  stage  such  as

                 Technical Partners, Regional Resource Centres, Technical Appraisal Committee, Co-

                 opted  members  (Experts),  Special  invitees,  Board  and  the  Stakeholders.  All  of  the

                 above members should declare if there is any conflict of interest in any particular HTA

                 study and if it is there, it should be managed appropriately.

                 4.4. Activities during declaration of interests

                   A declaration of interest form should be prepared in a prescribed format and all

                     the Members of TP/RRC, TAC, Board and Stakeholders are asked to declare their

                     interests, if any.

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