Page 20 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
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2.3.  Technical  Partner/  Resource  Identification:  Once  the  topics  are  selected  a

                 potential  Technical  Partner/  Resource  Centre  is  identified  by  the  Secretariat,

                 depending upon their area of expertise, capacity and previous experience, to take up

                 that topic to conduct HTA study. TAC can also suggest a suitable technical partner/
                 resource centre for a particular topic allocation.

                 2.4. Proposal Development: Technical Partner/ Resource Centre is asked to develop

                 a formal HTA proposal that contains the Policy Question, Research Question, Aims

                 and Objectives, PICO, Methodological Details, Expected Outcomes, Budget Impact,
                 Budget and Timeline etc. During the proposal development the team needs to do the

                 preliminary work on the topic in order to look for the availability of enough data. The

                 proposal is presented in the Technical Appraisal Committee Meeting and reviewed

                 thoroughly by the members and subject experts. TAC may approve the proposal or

                 provide comments/ suggestions and ask the for clarification/ revision in the proposal
                 wherever required. Once approved by the TAC, funds are sanctioned to the TP/RRC

                 to conduct the HTA study.

                 2.5. Research and Analysis: After the TAC approval the Technical Partner/ Resource

                 Centre  start  doing  the  research  and  analysis  that  included  evidence  synthesis  for

                 clinical  effectiveness  and  cost  effectiveness  mainly  from  published  literatures/
                 secondary  data  sources  like  Medline,  Cochrane,  OVID  and  other  national/

                 international/ Government data sources. In case of new drug/ devices when there is

                 a scarcity of data TP/ RRC may go for primary data collection with the approval of

                 TAC or drop the study during proposal development stage.

                        The  evidence  synthesis  includes  Systematic/  Rapid  Review,  meta-analysis,
                 data  extraction  etc.  and  the  analysis  include  running  the  simulation  models,

                 calculating  the  ICERS  and  Budget  Impact  Analysis  etc.  The  analysis  should  also

                 consider the equity issues for the accessibility and affordability.

                 2.6. Appraisal of evidences: Once the study is complete the Outcome Report along

                 with  the  recommendations  is  presented  to  the  TAC  for  appraisal.  TAC  (including
                 subject experts) review the proposal thoroughly and it may approve the  report or

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