Page 19 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
P. 19

S. No.  Indicators        Definition       Parameter              Scoring             Data source
                                                                     5 = Available and
                                                                     4 = Somewhat
                                                       Level of
                  Availability                        availability     available and
                  and           Availability and    and relevance      relevant
                  relevance of  relevance of        of evidence for   3 = Limited            Literature review
            5                                                          availability and      Expert
                  evidence for evidence for           conducting       relevance
                  conducting  conducting HTA            HTA –        2 =                      consultation
                  HTA                                information       Indefinite/Unclea
                                                                     1 = Unavailable
                                                                       and/or irrelevant
                                                                                             Legal document
                                The level of                                                 Consultation/
                                priority of         The urgency
                  Health                                             5 = High urgency         Opinions of policy
                  sector        diseases/health           of         4 = Medium urgency  makers
            6     priority and  problems and        diseases/heal    3 = Low urgency         Check policy
                                                     th problems
                  policy        interventions/      and proposed     2 = Indefinite           briefing
                  objective                                          1 = No urgency           documents and
                                Frequency of        interventions
                                nomination                                                    media reports
                                                                                             Budget

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