Page 17 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
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S. No.  Indicators        Definition       Parameter              Scoring             Data source
                                Number of
                                people affected                      5= >50% total
                                by the disease or                      population            National Vertical
                                health problem                         affected               program (e.g.
                  Size of       that is treated or   Incidence or    4= 25% total             NPCDCS)
                  population  prevented by the                         population            ICMR database
            1                                         Prevalence
                  affected by  proposed                                affected              ICMR registries
                  disease       intervention                         3= 10% population       WHO Fact sheet
                                among Indian                           affected
                                population at a                      2 = 5%                  NHFS
                                specified time:                      1 = 0 – 5%

                                                                                             Local studies on
                                Severity of                                                   BOD in India
                                disease or health                                            Estimation of BoD
                                problem that is                      Condition-specific       of India in the
                                treated or                           DALY / Total DALY        Global Burden of
                                prevented by the                     to calculate %           Disease Study
                                proposed                             contribution to total
                  Burden of     intervention by                      DALY.                    (IHME Global
                  disease in    considering BoD       Ranking in                              Burden of Disease
            2                                         Burden of                               study)
                  terms of      of disease/health                    5 = >5%
                  DALY          problems. The          Disease:      4 = 3-5%                IHME Burden of
                                more severe of                       3 = 1-3%                 disease specific
                                disease or health                    2 = .5 to 1%             DALY indicators
                                problem the                          1 = <.5%                 (e.g. cancer,
                                higher rank in                                                diabetes etc)
                                the leading cause                                            DALY estimates
                                list of BoD.                                                  from international
                                                                     5= Cure
                            2.1 For treatment/                       4= Prolong life and
                                rehabilitation:                      major improvement   National Vertical
                                Capacity of the      The clinical    in QOL                   program data (e.g.
                                proposed             benefit of the  3= prolong life and      National dialysis
                                intervention to       proposed       minor improvement  program)
                  Effectivenes  treat or             intervention    in QOL                  Literature review
                  s of          rehabilitate the         and         2= major
            3     available     patients from the  improvement  improvement in               Consultation/Opi
                  intervention  disease and its         in QOL       QOL                      nions of relevant
                                                                                              stakeholders in
                                impact on the                        1 = minor                Indian context
                                patients’ QOL                        improvement in
                                                     Accuracy of  5= accuracy 80% and
                            2. 2. For screening/          the          screened disease      National Vertical
                                                     intervention      could be cured         program data (e.g.

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