Page 18 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
P. 18

S. No.  Indicators        Definition       Parameter              Scoring             Data source
                                Accuracy             and whether  4 = accuracy 60%–           National dialysis
                                (specificity and     the screened      80% and screened       program)
                                sensitivity) of the  disease could     disease could be      Literature review
                                proposed               be cured        cured                 Consultation/Opi
                                intervention to                      3 = accuracy 80% but  nions of relevant
                                screen or                              screened disease       stakeholders in
                                diagnose the                           could not be           Indian context
                                disease of the                         cured
                                patients and the                     2 = accuracy 60%–
                                expected                               80% and screened
                                outcome beyond                         disease could not
                                the screening or                       be cured or
                                diagnostic                             accuracy 60% and
                                                                       screened disease
                                                                       could be cured
                                                                     1 = accuracy 60%
                                                                       and screened
                                                                       disease could be
                                                                                             National Vertical
                                3. For Prevention:                                            program data (e.g.
                                Risk reduction or    Effectiveness     5  = > 90%             National dialysis
                                preventive              of the         4 = 81% – 90%          program)
                                capacity            intervention to    3 = 71% – 80%
                                provided by the      prevent the       2 = 61% – 70%         Literature review
                                proposed                disease        1  = ≤ 60%            Consultation/Opi
                                intervention to                                               nions of relevant
                                the population                                                stakeholders in
                                                                                              Indian context
                                                                     5 = Very great
                                Impact on                              impact toward
                                household                              HH expenditure
                                expenditure as a       Level of      4 = Great impact
                                consequence of        economic         toward HH             Literature review
                  Economic      providing health      impact on        expenditure           Expert
                  impact on     intervention to a     household      3 = Moderate
            4                                                                                 consultation
                  household  family member          expenditure of     impacts toward
                  expenditure  with                 disease/health     HH expenditure        household
                                consideration of      problems’      2 = Minor impact         surveys, NHSSO
                                catastrophic        treatment cost     toward HH
                                illness or health                    1=  No impact
                                catastrophe                            toward HH

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