Page 15 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
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                                      HTAIn PROCESS AND FUNCTIONING

                 2.  KEY PHASES OF HTAIn PROCESS

                      Key  phases  of  HTAIn  process  is  shown  in  Fig.  3.  It  includes  Topic  Selection,

                Technical Partner/ Resource Centers identification, Proposal Development, Research

                and Analysis, Appraisal of Evidences, Approval by Board and Implementation by the
                User Department.

                                     Figure 3: Key Phases of the HTAIn Process

                2.1 Topic Selection and Prioritization: Topics are provided by the User Department as

                per their requirement with a clear Policy and Research Question. Topics are selected
                and prioritized on the basis of given set of prioritization criteria or Indicators (Table 1)

                i.e.  Size  of  population  affected,  Severity  of  disease,  data  availability,  clinical

                effectiveness, economic impact on households and health sector emergency etc.

                 2.2. Topic Prioritization Criteria

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