Page 52 - Htain Manual
P. 52

To understand how to go about framing the proposal we need to understand the scope of the

               HTA study and all that would be involved in conducting it. This set of ten principles, listed

               below, should guide the HTA process and its formulation.

                  i.   The goal and scope of the HTA should be explicit and relevant to its use

                 ii.   A clear system for setting priorities for HTA should exist

                 iii.   HTA should be an unbiased and transparent exercise

                 iv.   HTA should incorporate appropriate methods for assessing costs and benefits

                 v.    HTAs should consider a wide range of evidence and outcomes

                 vi.   A full societal perspective should be preferred when undertaking HTA

                vii.   HTA should consider all relevant technologies as comparators.

                viii.   HTAs should explicitly characterize uncertainty surrounding estimates

                 ix.   HTAs should consider and address issues of generalizability and transferability

                 x.    Those conducting HTAs should actively engage all key stakeholder groups

               Following these principles helps in the formulation of the proposal becomes easy and ensures

               that all key criteria needed for the study are included. Additionally we also need to make sure

               that  certain  key  topics  are  as  indicated  in  Figure  1  are  being  covered  while  framing  the

                                     Figure 1: Illustration of the crux of the HTA Process

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