Page 53 - Htain Manual
P. 53

To summarize the illustration whenever we start framing we have a policy question

               that has to be addressed on which the HTA question is centred. For this, there are four major

               topics that need to be addressed; first of which is the technology in question and data relevant

               to the same in terms of their efficacy, safety, clinical effectiveness, etc. and the same for all
               alternatives  being  used as  comparators.  Second,  come  the  patient  related  issues  like the

               impact of the health technology, access, affordability and the acceptability in terms of any

               socio-cultural, ethical or equity issues. Third is the economic evidence in terms of the costs
               incurred and the overall cost-effectiveness of the health interventions in question. The costs

               and their analysis will be covered in later chapters in detail. Last is the organization being

               affected by the whole intervention and its implementation; does it need to be reengineered

               or does it require any kind of modification. All this data is collected and pooled together to be

               sifted  through  and  analysed,  individually  as  well  as  collectively,  the  evidence  is  then
               synthesized to extract a consolidated result in the form of an HTA report.

                       The whole process can be broken down in to the following steps::

                     Defining the policy question

                     Framing the methodological protocol

                     Systematic review of all available evidence

                     Mathematical modelling and evaluation

                     Analysis of further impacts (equity, budget, etc.)

                     Compiling the final report

                       Now once the policy question has been identified and the HTA question framed, we

               need to look at all the parameters that need to be incorporated in the HTA proposal. The
               proposal should have all the factors listed below explained in brief and to the point. (explicit).

               The points explain the questions that a proposal covers and the expected information needed

               from the investigator.

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