Page 54 - Htain Manual
P. 54

Checklist for all factors incorporated in the HTA proposal

              S. No.    Factor             Question

                                           What is the purpose of the HTA?
              1         Objective
                                           (E.g., contribute to evidence, inform adoption decisions)

                                           Who are the principal users for the HTA?
              2         Audience           (E.g.,  government,  pharmaceutical  companies,  insurance
                                           companies, patient groups, jurisdiction)

                                           Which viewpoint or perspective is relevant for the HTA?
              3         Perspective
                                           (E.g., societal, healthcare system, insurer, payer)

                                           What is the patient population relevant for the decision problem?
              4         Population
                                           (E.g., age, health status, gender, other characteristics)

                                           What are the relevant comparators for the decision problem?
              5         Comparators
                                           (E.g., care as usual, alternative technologies)

                                           How are the technologies embedded in the clinical practice?
              6         Clinical Practice
                                           (E.g., diagnostics, clinical instead of research protocol)

                                           What is the time in which the study will be completed in terms of
              7         Timeline           data collection, analysis and final report generation?
                                           (E.g., 6 months, 1 year, etc.)

                                           Which time horizon is relevant for the decision problem?
              8         Time Horizon
                                           (E.g., lifetime, one year, one month)

                                           Which consequences are relevant for the decision problem?
              9         Consequences       (E.g.,  final  versus  intermediate  outcomes,  indirect  and/or  rare


                                           What is the patient use that is relevant for the decision problem?
              10        Patient Use
                                           (E.g., uptake, compliance, adherence)
                                           What is the use of the technology by the healthcare professionals
              11        Professional Use  that is relevant for the decision problem?
                                           (E.g., skills, experience, beliefs)

                                           The  time  span  chosen  for  the  mathematical  model  which
                                           determines in how much time a patient is transitioning from one
              12        Cycle Length
                                           health state to another.
                                           (E.g., one month for cancer, one year for AIDS etc.)

                                           What price level and resource use are relevant for the decision
                        Price & Resource
              12                           problem?
                                           (E.g., personnel providing the intervention)

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