Page 47 - Htain Manual
P. 47

Indicator                              Key question to be addressed
                 Severity of       What is the severity of disease or health problem that is treated or
                 disease/health    prevented by the proposed intervention by considering the burden of
                 problems          disease/health problems?
                 Comparative       How good is the intervention at doing what it is supposed to do (e.g. a
                 effectiveness of  drug to treat pain, a BP device to diagnose hypertension, or a vaccine
                 health            to prevent rotavirus) compared to what is already being done at

                 intervention      present?
                                   What is the situation of inequality in accessibility to and utilization of
                 Inequality,       health services by region and population? Are the poorer and more
                 ethics, and       vulnerable sections facing greater difficulty in access and utilization?
                 equity            Are there important ethical and equity considerations in relation to the
                                   intervention in question?
                 Economic          What is the impact on household expenditure as a consequence of

                 impact on         providing the health intervention to a family member. Does it lead to
                 household         catastrophic health expenditure and impoverishment due to
                 expenditure       healthcare costs?
                 Availability and
                                   What is the availability and relevance of evidence required for
                 relevance of
                                   conducting HTA?
                 Health sector
                                   Is the clinical area of interest a well-recognised local and/or national
                 priority and
                 policy objective

                 Feasibility of    Can the proposed intervention be implemented in reality within what
                 implementation  are the constraints of the Indian health system?

               How does the availability of evidence affect HTA topic selection?
                       One  of  the  primary  aims  of  HTA  is  to  use  available  evidence  to  improve  current

               screening programs, treatments, or prevention schemes. It is very important that evidence

               for  clinical  effectiveness  (how  well  something  does  what  it  is  supposed  to  do)  is  already

               available when conducting a HTA, so that this information can then be weighed alongside
               other evidence such as cost and quality of life to assess whether an intervention is good value

               for money.  If such evidence is not available, a HTA cannot be done, and primary research

               such as a randomised control trial or impact assessment may need to be done first, before a

               HTA can be conducted. The positive aspect is that since the HTAIn is part of the department
               of health research it would be easier to mobilize the funds and agencies required for filling

               such primary research gaps.

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