Page 54 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
P. 54

appropriate? (Yes=1,

                            No=2, NA=3)

                  c         Was the choice of utility

                            measure (QALY/DALY)
                            appropriately justified?

                            (Yes=1, No=2)

                  d         If primary data was

                            collected pertaining to

                            QoL, comment whether
                            the methodology was

                            appropriate based on:

                  d.1       Is the sample

                            representative of the

                            population group under
                            study? (Yes=1, No=2)

                  d.2       Is there likely to be a

                            selection bias in

                            recruitment of subjects?

                            (Yes=1, No=2)

                  d.3       Does the sample selection       For ex: Age-sex composition, literacy level,
                            represent the                   locality (urban/rural), wealth status etc.


                            comprehensively? (Rate on

                            a scale of 1 to 10)

                  d.4       Along with the tool
                            administration, was

                            valuation also done?

                            (Yes=1, No=2)

                  d.5       If not, then how likely is

                            the use of tariff values

                            form other setting

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