Page 56 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
P. 56

a         Were the capital costs

                            annualised appropriately?

                            (Yes=1, No=2)

           Uncertainty analysis
                  a         What type of uncertainty

                            was identified?

                  a.1       Methodological (Yes=1,

                            No=2, NA=3, NR=4)

                  a.2       Structural (Yes=1, No=2,
                            NA=3, NR=4)

                  a.3       Heterogeneity (Yes=1,

                            No=2, NA=3, NR=4)

                  a.4       Parameter (Yes=1, No=2,

                            NA=3, NR=4)

                  b         What type of analysis           OWSA(threshold, scenario, subgroup, extreme

                            were conducted to handle        case), PSA

                  b.1       Methodological

                            uncertainty: Refence case

                            Was the method

                            appropriate? (Rate on a
                            scale of 1 to 10)

                  b.2       Structural uncertainty:

                            Scenario analysis

                            Was the method

                            appropriate? (Rate on a
                            scale of 1 to 10)

                  b.3       Heterogeneity : Subgroup


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