Page 43 - Htain Manual
P. 43

So far, 11 HTAIn Technical Partners have been identified across India. These are (i)

               AIIMS, Delhi (ii) NIMS, Delhi (iii) NHSRC, Delhi (iv) PHFI, Delhi (v) Institute of Economic Growth,

               Delhi  (vi)  IIT,  Mumbai  (vii)  NIV,  Pune  (viii)  NARI,  Pune  (ix)  IIHMR,  Jaipur  and  (x)  IIPH,

               Bhubaneswar and, (xi) IIT, Chennai

                       As of now eleven topics have been assigned to various technical partners and resource

               hubs to conduct HTA analysis out of which the Outcome Reports have been through from the

               TAC and Stakeholders and is to be presented before Board. These topics are:

                   i.  Health  Technology  Assessment  of  Intraocular  Lenses  for  treatment  of  Age-related

                     Cataracts in India – HTAIn Secretariat, Delhi.

                  ii.  Cost Effectiveness of Safety Engineered Syringes for Therapeutic Use In India – PGIMER,


                 iii.  Health  Technology  Assessment  of  Strategies  for  Cervical  Cancer  Screening  in  India–
                     PGIMER, Chandigarh.

                 iv.  Health Technology Assessment for Screening of Type 2 Diabetes & Hypertension in India

                     – PGIMER, Chandigarh.
                  v.  Health Technology Assessment for Breast Cancer Screening in India– NHSRC, Delhi.

                 vi.  Health  Technology  Assessment  of  Long  Acting  Reversible  Contraceptives  in  India  –

                     NIRRH, Mumbai.

                 vii.  Health technology assessment of uterine balloon tamponades to manage postpartum

                     haemorrhage in India – NIRRH, Mumbai.
                viii.  Health  Technology  Assessment  (HTA)  of  Diagnostic  efficacy  of  digital

                     hemoglobinometer  (TrueHb),  HemoCue  and  non-invasive  spectroscopic  device  for

                     screening patients for anemia in the field settings – AIIMS. Mumbai in collaboration with
                     PHFI, Delhi.

                 ix.  Health  Technology  Assessment  of  various  RT-PCR  kits/methods  for  the  diagnosis  of

                     Influenza A/H1N1pdm09 virus in all age group patients in India – NIV, Pune

                  x.  Hypothermia  Detection Devices  (BEMPU  and ThermoSpot)  for  Premature  Low  Birth

                     Weight Neonates in India - IIPH-Shillong.
                 xi.  Universal neonatal hearing screening program using ‘Sohum’ hearing screening device

                     in India - RMRC, Bhubaneswar.

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