Page 38 - Htain Manual
P. 38

                               he Government of India is committed to extend healthcare services to its 1.3

                               billion population as part of India’s Universal Health Coverage (UHC) agenda.

                               Given the constraints in resources, it is a challenge for the government to

               devise  ways  to  reduce  catastrophic  health  expenditure  and  ensure  affordable  access  to
               essential  health  care  for  the  entire  population.  The  magnitude  of  the  problem  can  be

               estimated from the fact that in 2014-15 National Health Accounts Estimates for India reported

               that the out-of-pocket (OOP) spending on health by households was 62.6% of the total health
               expenditure of the households which was as high as 2.4% of the GDP per capita.

               The paradox is that despite having one of the lowest public health expenditures in the world,

               India is the hub for production of new drugs, diagnostics and medical devices. In a context of

               financial protection and regulation in health systems, this has an inflationary effect on health
               care costs. Extending adequate healthcare services to the population requires absorption and

               rational utilization of  these  technologies to ensure that the  greatest  amount  of health  is

               produced for every rupee spent. Health Technology Assessment (HTA), which is a widely used

               methodology internationally for optimization of resource allocation in health can help with


                       To facilitate the process of transparent and evidence informed decision making in the

               field  of  health,  Government  of  India  has  created  an  institutional  arrangement  called  the

               Health Technology Assessment in India (HTAIn) under the Department of Health Research

               (DHR).  HTAIn  is  entrusted  with  the  responsibility  to  collate  and  where  needed  generate
               evidence related to  the clinical effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, and safety of medicines,

               devices,  vaccines  and  health  programs  using  the  Health  Technology  Assessment  (HTA)

               approach.  HTAIn  will  enable  policy  makers  to  decide  on  appropriateness  and  cost
               effectiveness of the available and new health technologies in India, so that people can have

               access to quality health care at affordable costs.

               Activities of HTAIn

                     To support the process of decision-making in health care at the Central and State
                       policy level by providing reliable information based on scientific evidence.

                     Develop systems and mechanisms to assess new and existing health technologies by

                       a transparent and inclusive processes.

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