Page 39 - Htain Manual
P. 39

  To appraise health interventions and technologies based on available data on resource

                       use, cost, clinical effectiveness, and safety

                     To collect and analyse evidence in a systematic and reproducible way and ensure its

                       accessibility and usefulness to inform health policy
                     Disseminate research findings and resulting policy decisions to educate and empower

                       the public to make better informed decisions for health

                     All these activities will be conducted to achieve the following objectives:

                         i.   Maximizing Health

                         ii.  Minimizing Out of Pocket Expenditure
                         iii.  Minimizing inequity

               Operational Objectives of HTAIn are:

                   1.  To  inform  Government  Health  Department  Officials  about  the  clinical  and  cost

                      effectiveness of any intervention to be undertaken in public health programs.
                   2.  To inform Research Agencies about evidence gaps and health research requirements

                      to support policy.

                      It also includes:

                   3.  Informing Hospitals and other Health Care Organizations to help in decisions regarding
                      technology acquisition and management.

                   4.  To  inform  Clinicians  and  Patients  about  the  appropriate  use  of  Health  Care

                      Interventions for specific clinical needs and circumstances.

                 Other possible roles of HTAIn as it evolves are:
                   1.  To Inform Regulatory Agencies about the commercial use (e.g., marketing) of a drug,

                      device or other medical technology.

                   2.  To inform Payers (Governments Health Departments. Health Plans/ Drug formularies,

                      Patient  Groups  etc.)  about  the  technology  coverage  and  reimbursement  in  any
                      Healthcare Program.

                   3.  To  inform  Health  Care  Experts  about  the  role  of  health  technology  assessment  in

                      development of Clinical Protocols or Standard Treatment Guidelines.
                   4.  To  inform  lawmakers  and  other  political  leaders  about  policies  concerning

                      technological innovation, health financing and regulation of health care.

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