Page 40 - Htain Manual
P. 40

Structure of HTAIn

                      HTAIn consists of a Board, Technical Appraisal Committee(TAC), Regional Resource

               Hubs, Technical Partners (TP) and  an In-house Secretariat,.,

               The HTAIn Board:

                      The HTAIn Board is its highest authority. It is chaired by member of the Niti Aayog and
               its vice-chairman is the Secretary, Department of Health Research, and is made up of nine

               senior  professionals  of  the  health  sector  in  India,  all  of  whom  are  nominated  by  the

               government.  Currently it is headed by Prof. Vinod Paul from Niti Aayog having Prof. Balram
               Bhargava  as  the  Vice-Chairman.  Dr.  Renu  Swarup,  Secretary,  Deptt.  of  Biotechnology,

               Ministry of Science & Technnology; Shri Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha, Secretary, AYUSH; Dr. S.

               Venkatesh,  DGHS,  MoHFW;  Prof.  K.  K.  Talwar,  Ex-Director,  PGIMER,  Chandigarh;  Dr.

               Thanjavur  S.  Ravikumar,  Ex-Director,  JIPMER;  Dr.  S.K. Acharya,  Ex-Prof.  &  HOD  (Gastro),
               AIIMS, New Delhi; Prof. M. Balakrishnan, Deputy Director (Strategy & Planning), IIT, Delhi;

               Prof. Rajesh Kumar, Head, School of Public Health, PGIMER, Chandigarh; Dr. G. Karthikeyan,

               Prof.  (Cardiology)  AIIMS,  New  Delhi;  Shri  Vijay  Chauthaiwale,  Independent  Healthcare  &

               Biotech Consultant; Prof. S. Ramji, Dean, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi; Shri V.
               K. Gauba, Joint Secretary, DHR, MoHFW are the members currently of the HTAIn Board.

                      The  Board  issues  the  policy  directions,  approves  institutional  rules  and  exercises

               oversight. The Board is mandated to consider and approve the recommendations from the

               Technical Appraisal Committee on all the HTA studies and submit its recommendations to the
               user Department for further adoption in the health system of the country.

               The Technical Appraisal Committee (TAC)
                      The two main functions of the Technical Appraisal Committee (TAC) is to approve the

               study proposal and the outcomes of the study. Approving the study proposal requires the TAC

               to clarify the question that is being taken up for up for study, the scope of the assessment,

               and the methods being used. Approving the outcomes includes reviewing the final report and

               the recommendations, and ensuring that all considerations ranging from cost-effectiveness,
               to  safety,  feasibility,  ethical  and  equity  dimensions  of  the  assessment  have  all  been

               considered when arriving at the recommendations. It also includes considering stakeholder

               representations  and  clarifying  or  modifying  the recommendations  as  necessary.  The  final
               report as approved by TAC are forwarded to the HTAIn Board for approval and forwarding to

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