Page 59 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
P. 59

ICER(s) listed

                            comprehensively? (Rate on

                            a scale of 1 to 10)

                  2.3.2     Uncertainty analysis
           OWSA (If applicable, rate

                            on a scale of 1 to 10)

                  a         Were the parameters

                            identified to which ICER is

                            most sensitive along with
                            appropriate justification?

                  b         Were the results                Was a tornado generated?

                            represented in appropriate


                  c         Were the results of

                            relevant subgroup analysis
                            reported appropriately?

                  d         Were the input parameters

                            considered for threshold

                            analysis appropriate?


                            Were the results reported       CEAC,CE plane
                            appropriately in the form

                            of CEAC and CE plane?

                            (Yes=1, No=2, NA=3)

                  *2.3.3    EVPI

                            Were the results reported
                            appropriately? (Rate on a

                            scale of 1 to 10)

                  2.3.4     Equity analysis

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