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approving body of HTAIn. It appraises the HTA study at different stages mainly after proposal

                 development and the outcome of the study. TAC not only review the study thoroughly from
                 the  research  question(s),  objective(s),  methodological  details,  outcomes,  policy

                 recommendations etc. but also help to better formulate these aspects wherever required and
                 ensure the quality of the studies.

                HTAIn  Board:  Board  is  the  highest  decision-making  body  of  HTAIn  consisting  of

                 Policy-Makers, Bureaucrats and Experts from different Government Bodies (Central

                 as well as States) etc. Board appraises the recommendations of the studies from TAC

                 and  takes  the  final  decision  before  sending  the  recommendations  to  the  User

                 Department for implementation. If required, the Board may seek clarification on any
                 aspect of the study and suggest modifications depending upon the technicalities or

                 feasibility of implementation. The Board may also look into the gaps in evidence and

                 instruct for further research in that area.

                Technical  Partners  and  Regional  Resource  Centres/  Hubs:  Technical  Partners  are

                 Central/ State Government Institutes that conduct the HTA studies of HTAIn. They

                 have  been  identified  with  regards  to  their  capacities,  expertise  and  previous

                 experience in the area of HTA. Technical partners allocated with the topics depending
                 on their core competence. They formulate a study proposal that contains the study

                 details  along  with  the  manpower,  funds  and  timeline  required  for  the  study  and

                 undertake  the  study  after  due  approval  from  Technical  Appraisal  Committee.

                 Regional Resource Centres are also institutes of Central/ State Government but they

                 act as an extended arm of Secretariat that besides conducting the HTA studies have
                 additional  tasks  of  liaising  and  coordinating  with  the  State  Governments  Health

                 Officials they are situated in (and/ Or in vicinity), sensitize them about HTA, provide

                 training  wherever  required  and  ask  them  for  relevant  topics  for  HTA.  Regional

                 Resource  Centres  are  also  identified  on  the  basis  of  their  capacities,  expertise  and

                 previous  experience  in  the  area  of  HTA  Or,  in  collaboration  with  the  State
                 Governments in their identified institutes. Some of the Technical Partners may also be

                 upgraded to Resource Centres after completed at least three good quality studies with

                 the approval of competent authority. Resource Centres act as a bridge between Central

                 and State Governments health agencies for smooth functioning and make efficient use

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