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               1.  INTRODUCTION

                   Health technology assessment (HTA) is widely used methodology internationally

               for optimization of resource allocation in health. It is a multidisciplinary process that
               gathers policy relevant evidence about the medical (clinical effectiveness),  economic

               (cost effectiveness), social and ethical issues related to the use of a health intervention

               in a systematic, inclusive, transparent and robust manner to assist policy makers in

               decision  making  while  formulating  policies  for  incorporating  or  excluding  health

               interventions from the health system.
                    Recognizing the importance of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) in healthcare

               decision  making  guided  by  considerations  of  scientific  evidence  on  clinical

               effectiveness, cost effectiveness, social values and equity issues Government of India

               has set up an institutional structure called as “Health Technology Assessment in India

               (HTAIn)”  under  the  Department  of  Health  Research  (DHR),  Ministry  of  Health  &
               Family  Welfare  (MoHFW).  HTAIn  is  entrusted  with  the  responsibility  to  analyze

               evidences related to cost-effectiveness, clinical-effectiveness and equity issues regarding

               the deployment of health technologies viz. medicines, devices and health programmes

               by means of HTA in India, and in turn help in efficient use of the limited health budget

               and provide people access to quality healthcare at minimum cost.

               1.1. Purpose of establishing HTAIn

                    The  Government  of  India  is  committed  to  extend  healthcare  services  to  its  1.34

               billion population as part of India’s Universal Health Coverage (UHC) agenda. One of

               the most important challenges in India that warrant immediate attention is increasing
               catastrophic out  of pocket expenditures (OOP) in healthcare.  According to National

               Health  Accounts  Report  2017-18  Household’s  Out  of  Pocket  Expenditure  on  health

               (OOPE) was 61% of total health expenditure (1). 2017 World Bank report estimated the

               OOP spending on healthcare in India to be  as high as  62%  (2). Extending  adequate

               healthcare services to the population requires optimal utilization of existing resources
               to ensure that the greatest amount of health is bought for every rupee spent. National

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