Page 9 - 1.HTAIn_Process_Manual
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Figure 1: Organizational structure of HTAIn to conduct HTA

                User Department/ User Agency: User Department could be a Central and State Health

                 Ministry  or  any  Government  Healthcare  Provider  or  Agency  that  are  directly  or

                 indirectly involved in the health sector in India. User Department gives topics of study
                 to HTAIn and implement the recommendations of the completed studies.

                HTAIn  Secretariat  or  Secretariat:  HTAIn  Sec.  is  a  DHR-in-house  body  that
                 coordinates between the User Department, TAC, Board, Regional Resource Centres

                 and  Technical  Partners.  It  consists  of  Scientists,  Economists,  Health  Policy  Analyst,

                 Financial  Consultants,  Project  Manager,  Data  Entry  Operators  and  Multi-Tasking  Staffs.
                 Secretariat  conducts  all  the  TAC,  Stakeholders  Consultation  and  Board  meetings  in

                 DHR. It also coordinates between Resource Centres and Technical Partners during

                 topic allocation, follow ups, monitoring the studies allocated to them, financial and

                 technical support wherever required. Secretariat ensures the proposals and Outcome

                 Reports  are  in  proper  format  and  it  ensures  transparency  at  all  stages  of  HTA  by
                 consultation and regular updates. Besides that, the Secretariat can also take up any

                 topic to conduct HTA in certain conditions.

                Technical Appraisal Committee (TAC): TAC is a multidisciplinary body that consists of
                 experts  from  different  backgrounds  such  as  Clinicians,  Researchers,  Economists,  Social

                 Scientists, Policy Experts etc. headed by an eminent person. There could be some co-opted
                 members or subject experts in the TAC depending upon the topic of study. The TAC is the first

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