Page 32 - Htain Manual
P. 32

t international levels, there has been a renewed attention to strengthening

                                health systems in the first decades of the 21st century;  a process that has

                       A        received considerable reinforcement as essential component of achieving

               the Sustainable Development Goals for health.  The pressures to increase the spending in
               healthcare sector, need to be accompanied by measures to ensure rational spending and

               ‘Best-buys’ ensuring a high performance health system. Health systems performance, both in

               quality and efficiency must be seen as one crucial challenge that requires rationally adoption
               of  new  health  technologies.  Most  countries  with  high  performance  health  systems  have

               health systems that are largely public funded. As public funding increases, so does the need

               for greater accountability for spending from public revenues. In such contexts, the process of

               rational decision making is even more important.

                       Health  technology  assessment  (HTA)  is  being  used  for  making  evidence-based
               healthcare decisions over the last three decades by many countries in the developed region

               (e.g.  Europe,  US,  Canada  etc.)  and  is  now  also  being  adopted  by    many  nations  in  the

               developing world  which have made good progress towards UHC (especially Thailand, South
               Korea, Taiwan etc.). Many nations adopting programmes towards achieving UHC have also

               formally started adopting HTA as part of their decision making process in last few years.

               Historical Development of HTA, National and International HTA agencies

                       The term Technology Assessment first came into use in 1965 in the U.S. House of
               Representatives during scientific deliberations on establishing a healthcare program. The first

               formal HTA committee was structured in 1984, in Catalonia, Spain; which later served as the

               foundation of Catalan Agency for Health Technology Assessment (CAHTA). In 1987, Sweden

               constituted  the  Swedish  Council  for  Technology  Assessment  in  Health  Care  (SBU)  for

               institutionalizing  HTA  in  the  country.  Across  Canadian  region,  different  provinces  started
               establishing their HTA institutions like Council for Health Technology Assessment of Quebec

               was created in 1988; Ontario Health Technology Advisory Committee in 2003 etc. In 1991,

               WHO  held  a  meeting  of  HTA  experts  in  Geneva  raising  relevance  of  HTA  and  Economic
               Evaluation at global level. In 1985, International Society for Health Technology Assessment

               (ISTAHC)  was  constituted.  In  1995,  Germany  started  doing  HTA  and  formally  established

               German Scientific Working Group Technology Assessment for Health Care (GSWG-TAHC) in

               1997.  United  Kingdom  established  National  Coordinating  Centre  for  Health  Technology

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