Page 19 - Htain Manual
P. 19


                   1.  Chalkidou K, Glassman A, Marten R, Vega J, Teerawattananon Y, Tritasavit N, Gyansa-
                       Lutterodt M, Seiter A, Kieny MP, Hofman K, Culyer AJ. Priority-setting for achieving

                       universal  health  coverage.  Bulletin  of  the  World  Health  Organization.  2016  Jun

                   2.  Glassman A, Chalkidou K. Priority-Setting in Health Building institutions for smarter
                       public  spending.  Center  for  Global  Development’s  Priority-Setting  Institutions  for
                       Global Health Working Group, 2012.

                   3.  Youngkong  S,  Kapiriri  L,  Baltussen  R.  Setting  priorities  for  health  interventions  in
                       developing countries: a review of empirical studies. Tropical Medicine & International
                       Health. 2009 Aug 1;14(8):930-9.)

                   4.  How  do  we  identify  priority  issues  for  Australia’s  health?  Available  at

                       and accessed on October 17, 2018.

                   5.  The   Three    Dimensions    of   Universal    Health   Coverage.    Available   at
               and  accessed  on
                       October 17, 2018.

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