Page 15 - Htain Manual
P. 15

explanation, explicit priorities are well defined and precise with clear cut boundaries of action

               while the implicit ones are usually more flexible in its scope of action.

                             Explicit Prioritization                      Implicit Prioritization

                      The  decision  makers  are  clearly         It  may  be  ad-hoc,  or  rely  on  semi-
                        defined; who makes which decision            explicit   strategies   like   peer
                                                                     benchmarking or oversight
                      Has  a defined  criteria and  if  it  was
                        met or not with reasons                    Decentralization of the responsibility
                                                                     may  be  done  to the  local  providers
                      What  evidences  were  considered
                                                                     either  via  budgetary  or  some
                        and their sources
                                                                     regulatory methods
                      Can be challenged

                         Figure 1: How to identify priority issues as per Australia’s Health Pyramid

                       The process for prioritizing needs in healthcare varies due to a number of factors;

               sociodemographics, geography, disease burden, resources available, etc. to name a few. For

               example, figure 1 illustrates how priority setting for healthcare moves up in the form of a

               pyramid and what all things are considered while making in a healthcare decision.

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