Page 16 - Htain Manual
P. 16

Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and Priority Setting

                       UHC has been defined as “all people receiving quality health services that meet their

               needs without exposing them to financial hardship in paying for them” (figure 2 illustrates the

               3 core dimensions considered when moving towards UHC).

                       Figure 2: Three dimensions when moving towards Universal Health Coverage

                       However, scarcity of resources and a paucity of funds in most developing countries

               ensure that not everyone gets all the beneficial health services at affordable prices. UHC has

               three dimensions in terms of three axes of a cube – the population covered, the services
               delivered and the financial cover provided to the population. Depending the resources and

               programmes covered in a country the size of the cube varies according to how much of each

               axis has been tended to. Also, countries trying to move forward with UHC will face at least

               one bottleneck regarding fairness and equity issues in each dimension. So while pursuing an
               approach to adjust for these issues, some trade-offs come to mind that have to be purposively

               planned for:

                    1.  To  prioritize  which  drug,  diagnostic,  drug  or  programme  design  to  choose  for

                       inclusion in public health systems from amongst a number of contending options
                       based on considerations of universalizing access, equity, cost-effectiveness, safety

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