Page 7 - Htain Manual
P. 7


                          o facilitate the process of transparent and evidence informed decision making in
                          the  field  of  health,  Government  of  India  decided  to  set  up  an  institutional
                          mechanism  for  Health  Technology  Assessment  in  India  (HTAIn).  HTAIn  will
               generate and compile evidence related to cost-effectiveness, clinical effectiveness and safety
               of medicines, devices and health programmes by means of Health Technology Assessment
               (HTA)  studies.  Such  studies  will  evaluate  appropriateness  and  cost  effectiveness  of  the
               available and new health technologies in India, so that people can have access to quality
               healthcare and we ensure the best value gained from the health budget.

                       Establishment of HTAIn is an important milestone in our progress towards achieving
               Universal  Health  Coverage  (UHC)  as  it  would  encourage  better  choice  of  technology  and
               programme design, optimize expenditure, lowering overall cost of medical treatment and
               reducing out-of-pocket expenditures on the part of patients. This would also facilitate medical
               reimbursement  procedures  and  improvement  in  quality  of  care  for  government-funded
               health  insurance  schemes,  such  as  the  National  Health  Protection  Scheme  (NHPS)  under
               Ayushman Bharat Yojana and other state insurance schemes.

                       This  short  manual  seeks  to  familiarize  readers  with  the  concepts  of  HTA,  and  to
               increase  their  knowledge  base  and  build  capacity  on  how  to  conduct HTA  studies  in  our
               country’s settings. It also highlights the potential of HTA to contribute to evidence based
               decision-making and policy formulation for deployment of effective health interventions in
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