Page 8 - HTAIn an Introduction
P. 8

Evidence Based Decision Making

                                                                                                                                          HTA     studies     better      equip     the
           Standard Treatment Guidelines
                                                                                                                                          decision makers with concise and
          HTA evidences can be used to                                                                                                    concrete evidences based on the
          choose       the     best     treatment                                                                                         local study settings

          strategies for framing standard
          treatment guidelines/workflows

                                                                                                                                                    Inter-Sectoral Coordination
          Universal Health Coverage
                                                                                                                                                HTA studies can generate a
       HTA evidences can help adjust                                                                                                            variety of evidences which affect
       treatment strategies for better                                                                                                          not just the health sector but

       coverage of population and                                                                                                               others as well like education and
       also help in looking at the                                                                                                              finance to name a few
       financial risk protection aspect

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